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The team behind Mul10 ProSafe

Contact specific employees on the details below

Eva Marie Juul Tønning

Commercial Product Manager / Architect

Mathias Theis Haugstrup

Offer / Course

Sarah Hjelmager Hedevang


Rasmus Møller Christiansen

Technical Support QR

Heine Vangsgaard

Managing Director

Frequently asked questions

Inspection in progress
When to use fall protection

Fall protection must be used when working at height against falling from roofs - when there is more than 3.5 meters from the edge of the roof to the ground. Employees working and walking less than two meters from the edge of the roof must be secured against falling.

If the free fall height is between 2-3.5 m, a risk assessment must be carried out by the employer to determine whether fall protection is necessary. Fall protection must be used if it is deemed that a fall will result in serious injury.

What are the employee's responsibilities?

Before using fall protection equipment, the user must ensure that it is complete and functional. In addition, check if the equipment has undergone an inspection within the last 12 months. Equipment must not be used if it has been used to stop a fall or if there is any doubt about the suitability of the equipment before it has been inspected. Defects and deficiencies must be reported to the employer.

What should an anchor point be able to withstand?

According to EN 795:2012, anchor points for fall protection must be able to absorb a force of 12 kN (1200 kg) from one person. An anchor point is approved by performing both a static test and a dynamic drop test, as described in EN 795:2012. The Mul10 ProSafe Single Eye Safety Foot has been tested and approved for 2 users at the same time (including a static test of 13 kN).

What is the legislation regarding fall protection

Fall protection equipment must be CE marked and approved according to applicable European standards. All fall protection equipment must be inspected at least once a year by a competent professional.

Fall protection equipment may be worn for a maximum of 4 man-hours.

What is the difference between fall prevention and fall arrest?

Fall arrest means moving straight out from the anchor point and adjusting the line so you can't fall out.

Fall-absorbing fall protection extends from its anchor point, so there will be a risk of falling and swaying. It should be equipped with a fall arrestor that absorbs the force of the fall.

The examples below illustrate some fall protection solutions. When you move inside the dotted lines and have adjusted your line, it will prevent falls. As soon as you move outside the dotted lines, you risk pendulation.‍.

Wire system 2.5 m. from roof edge - Recommended equipment: Fixed 2m line and H-harness (fall prevention regardless of use)
Wire system 5 m. from roof edge, single posts at corners - Recommended equipment: Adjustable line, as well as fixed 2 m. line and H-harness
Central wire system, max 8.5 m., single posts at corners - Recommended equipment: Adjustable line, as well as fixed 2 m. line and H-harness
When can you use the MUL10 PROSAFE wire system with flexible anchor line?

There must be clearance ("H") below the user (at least 3.5 m) that will allow for safe fall arrest. The maximum weight of a user must not exceed 100 kg. The anchorage point or hooked wire must not be below the user's foot level. The radius of the edge must be at least 0.5 mm. If the edge of the roof is sharp, there is a high risk of damage to the rope, so it must be fitted with a suitable guard.

NOTE: Calculation of stopping length and safety distance must always be based on the manufacturer's information in the user manual.

With adjustable line

Stopping length = Person length + fall arrest device

With fastline of max 2 meters

Stopping length = Line length + Person length + Safety margin (1 meter)

What is pendulum effect?

If you move too far to the sides, relative to the anchor point, and fall over the edge, you will "oscillate" and risk hitting vertical structures, or in the worst case scenario - hit the ground or the floor below. You will fall several meters before the fall arrest effect kicks in. To avoid this, you should move at a maximum angle of 30 degrees from the anchor point.